Tuesday, September 11, 2007


In history class today we watched a video about 9/11. It got me to thinking it is 6 years later what has changed. After the attack many people were turning to God and a sense of patriotism was awakened. But where has that gone? Now we are trying hard to eradicate the threat of future attacks but people are crying out that we need to end the war. Yes we may not be doing everything right and lives are being lost, but when we are protecting are freedoms there is always a cost. Also during the attacks many people looked to God for help and solace but what about now God is on the back burner again. It reminds me of someone else. He rode into a city being worshiped and exalted and then around a week later those people were shouting for him to be killed. Why are we so quick to forget what will it take to reawaken us. Do we need another 9/11 or worse to shake us out of our sense of being safe and secure. How long will it be before God says I have given them enough chances and wake-up calls they are on their own. This may sound harsh for a day of mourning but there is no good in mourning if we don't remember and learn from it.

God bless America


Austin said...

Nice picture...did you make that?

qw3n said...

No but it is completely free. I think I could though.

Laura said...

Very thought-provoking. I think about some of these same points myself. Our world is in sad shape, but we as Christians can make a difference if we let ourselves be used of God! Our troops are so important, but let us not forget that prayer is vital!