Saturday, September 29, 2007

Poetry - The Unwanted

The Unwanted

The baby’s contorted body was quickly cured;

The once anguished face relaxed and the eyes opened; gone was fear.

But a question needed to be answered,

The eyes held a question saying “Why am I here?”

Gentle arms lifted the baby and a loving voice said “You weren’t wanted.”

The eyes of the man opened, once scared but now calm;

Weakness was gone and the once cloudy and confused brain was clear.

His voice, rich and deep, sang a beautiful psalm;

The song faltered the sharpened brain came up with a question --

and he said “Why am I here?”

Gentle arms helped the once helpless man --

and a loving voice replied sadly, “You weren’t wanted.”

The face of an elderly woman quickly changed as pain and worry faded away;

She looked down watching in wonder the change in water as clear as a mirror.

A rosy hue returned to the old cheeks --

and there was beautiful brown hair instead of grey.

Sitting, awed by the beauty around, yet sensing there was --

something not right she turned to a man and asked “Why am I here?”

Gentle arms helped her up and a loving, --

yet now angry voice, answered “You weren’t wanted.”

I walk down a hallway; I feel the pangs of fear.

Others I knew had walked this hall but they had been weak and ill;

I was strong and healthy, but my faith had put me with them. Why was I here?

Why did I not fight when others had lost, --

and I knew it wasn’t mercy but a lust to kill.

A man looms before me with needle and --

a small prick of pain, and I realize “I’m not wanted”

A man, in white, with eyes like fire approached --

and spoke; like thunder was his voice.

“Justice shall be served to those who have taken the lives of others; --

those who have made you the unwanted.”

Around the man were thousands who had come to judge the ones --

who had made for them that fatal and final choice,

For now those who were killed live and sing praise to the King; --

for through him they shall always be wanted!

Sorry the poem doesn't fit very well so "--" means same line in the poem but I had to split it up.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Finally, brethren whatsoever things are exciting, whatsoever things are fun, whatsoever things are thrilling, whatsoever things are cool, whatsoever things are popular, whatsoever things make me feel good; if there be any humor if there be any entertainment, do these things.

The new and modern translation.

I was thinking of the things some people think are good entertainment and I wondered if Philippians 4:8 had changed. Many times it seems like people run what they do through a different verse. Let us remember what the verse truly says and follow it.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


In history class today we watched a video about 9/11. It got me to thinking it is 6 years later what has changed. After the attack many people were turning to God and a sense of patriotism was awakened. But where has that gone? Now we are trying hard to eradicate the threat of future attacks but people are crying out that we need to end the war. Yes we may not be doing everything right and lives are being lost, but when we are protecting are freedoms there is always a cost. Also during the attacks many people looked to God for help and solace but what about now God is on the back burner again. It reminds me of someone else. He rode into a city being worshiped and exalted and then around a week later those people were shouting for him to be killed. Why are we so quick to forget what will it take to reawaken us. Do we need another 9/11 or worse to shake us out of our sense of being safe and secure. How long will it be before God says I have given them enough chances and wake-up calls they are on their own. This may sound harsh for a day of mourning but there is no good in mourning if we don't remember and learn from it.

God bless America